Your Story
Your Story
Your Story
Tell us a little more....
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
What is the specific business challenge you would bring to Pixel1080? Why is it important that you succeed?
What do you hope to accomplish by the end of working with us? How will you measure success?
What resources (people, time, money, etc.) are you planning to devote toward this business challenge?
What’s the most burning question you’d like to ask us about at Pixel1080?
Now a little info about your company or organization... If your company were a person, what would it be like? What would it do for fun?
Finish this sentence: As a company, each of us gets out of bed each day driven by a deeply rooted desire to ____________.
At Pixel1080 we believe great companies are driven by a higher purpose and fight an injustice for the people they serve. Please share how you would express your brand’s higher purpose and what wrong your brand seeks to right in for your customers and employees.
Please share any of the ways your brand shows heartfelt devotion for people. Help us picture the kind of people who are head over heals in love with your brand.
What does ‘grassroots’ mean to your organization?
Thank you!